Why Green Cleaning Is Worth The Added Effort

For some, the idea of going green is a buzzword, something that sounds appealing but doesn’t necessarily get dug into. The idea of doing something to help the environment is generally seen as a net positive, but where some people may lose interest is due to buying into the perception that green efforts and products are still not as effective as their conventional counterparts. When it comes to green cleaning, though, in many cases, things have already vaulted over the conventional options. Here’s some reason why it’s worth the added investment in green cleaning.

facts about cleaning pictureFor one thing, while not all synthetic compounds are necessarily bad for you, you may be surprised at exactly what they contain. One recent survey showed that 95 percent of chemicals used in fragrances are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum. There is some recent medical research suggesting that excessive petroleum exposure is connected to several health issues, including altering hormones, allergies, and potential immune issues. Now, there’s no guarantee that the cleaning products you are currently using will make you sick. However, in some cases, the concept of that is enough to turn some potential customers and clients off companies that don’t make the switch to green cleaning.

This is especially important in certain businesses, like the medical fields or anywhere that food is prepared and stored. Companies like these need to be at the forefront of green cleaning because the perceptions of safety and hygiene are extremely important. You may actually be able to save a little money depending on what type of green cleaning that you are doing or paying for. This varies, but there are some green all-purpose-cleaners that can save you money by not having to buy several different products for different surfaces. On a smaller scale, many people buy olive oil, vinegar, or similar products for a fraction of a brand-name cleaner. On a larger scale, products and services are more competitive than others.

Another thing worth considering is the fact that certain chemicals that may not be harmful may still be uncomfortable. Certain people actually do develop allergies to them, the same way that you would to pollen, food, or animal hair. This can be difficult to predict, but one would hate to actually be contributing to their employee’s discomfort or lowered productivity unwittingly. In the same vein, some people just find the smell of synthetic cleaners unappealing.

Green cleaning is more than a simple way to pump up your brand appeal (not like that isn’t a good thing), but also to make sure that you always stay compliant with new cleaning measures and create a more appealing environment for both your employees and your customers. This may seem like a lot to ask for at first. The good news is it’s not hard to find an Albuquerque building maintenance company that will help you meet this goal. The key is to make sure that when you’re initially meeting with them that you bring this up early, so you can compare the suite of different green cleaning options

About Zia Building Maintenance

Zia Building Maintenance provides full-service commercial cleaning services to Albuquerque businesses of every size. Their customer service and care for employees have made them a top janitorial service provider in Albuquerque for 32 years.